El Prince TangoDj
Umberto Principale
Tango Argentino Musicalizador
I'M ...
In 2014 I started working as a tango musicalizador in Rome.
In 2021 I’ve attended to a course of "Musicalizacion de Tango" of 29 hours given by Academia Argentina del Tango of Buenos Aires. In 2022 I’ve attended to a course of "Diplomatura en historia del tango" of 120 hours given by the same Academia.
I run the milonga La Viruta in Rome.
My tandas (instrumental or sung ) are composed including the same “orquesta”, in the same time period with the same “compas”.
The first level “orquestas” I use to propose are Di Sarli, D’Arienzo, Pugliese, Troilo and then others like D'agostino, Tanturi, Caló, Donato, Tipica Victor, Canaro, Fresedo, Biagi, Rodriguez, Demare,Laurenz, De Angelis.